
Static Reports

This instance of JDP has been configured to generate some static reports at the same time as the documentation. These are listed below.

External HTML Reports

These reports were generated directly as HTML, so we generate some links to them using the code displayed.

using Markdown

html_report_paths = filter(readdir("reports")) do entry
	endswith(entry, ".html") &&
	isfile("reports/$entry") &&
	entry != "index.html"

join(map(html_report_paths) do path
	"* [$(path[1:end-5])]($path)"
end, "\n") |> Markdown.parse


The following reports were generated as Markdown or plain text which is the preferred format of Documenter.jl. So we can include them inline, although they probably won't be displayed exactly as intended or indexed correctly.

Raw links

The following code will create links to the raw Markdown report texts.

using Markdown

md_report_paths = filter(readdir("reports")) do entry
	endswith(entry, ".md") &&

links = join(map(md_report_paths) do path
	"* [$(path[1:end-3])]($path)"
end, "\n")


Rendered Inline

This will try to render the Markdown inline. Everything below the code is the content of the reports.

inline = join(map(md_report_paths) do path
	"""# [$(path[1:end-3])]($path)

	$(read("reports/$path", String))
end, "\n")
